Corporate Plan, 2023-2026

The Corporate Plan is a guiding tool for the organization that defines specific work that can be undertaken over a four-year period to help us work to achieve Council's strategic priorities, our community's vision, and our corporate mission.

Together with the Financial Plan, the Corporate Plan informs department and divisional work plans to deliver programs and services, and meet the needs of the community we serve. The goals, priorities, and objectives outlined in this plan were determined based on consideration of our mandate, strategic impact, funding availability, and organizational capacity.

Our strategic goals

Council has reached consensus on these goals:

  • Enhance transportation and mobility
  • Address the housing crisis and the community's housing needs
  • Achieve a balanced and fair economy
  • Lead in climate emergency action and environmental management
  • Foster community well-being, culture, and safety
  • Foster a resilient organization

For a closer look at these goals, along with our strategic priorities and objective, download the complete Corporate Plan document. The document includes information about our planning framework, and the strategic planning process

Download the Corporate Plan, 2023-2026

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