Improving our cycling network

We're working to provide a safe and efficient cycling network for people of all ages and abilities across the District.

By reducing the number of trips made by car, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change caused by carbon emissions, help lessen traffic congestion, and nurture healthier, safer communities.

Learn how we're enhancing opportunities to cycle in the District now, while building a complete and connected cycling network.

DNV Cycles 

Your vision for a connected cycling network

Between September 16 and October 14, 2020, we asked you to tell us in an online survey how you currently use bike lanes, the types of bike lanes you prefer, how we can make cycling feel safer for everyone, and how you think bike lanes should be built. We received 1,673 completed responses to the survey, and will use that feedback to help guide decisions around furture bike lanes.

Download the survey results summary

How we prioritize cycling infrastructure

Installing large stretches of bike lanes at one time is not feasible, given the realities of municipal budgets and resources.

Instead, we evaluate all upcoming road improvement projects — both large and small — looking for opportunities to include new bike infrastructure where individual project budgets allow (the bike lanes on and around the new Keith Road and Montroyal bridges are examples of this approach).

Because of the project-by-project approach we take to building bike lanes, new lanes don't always connect to existing lanes, nor do they always lead to our most popular destinations.

While this may be true in the short term, over time, these individual sections will begin to knit together into a complete system, as we continue including lanes in our infrastructure and road improvement projects.

Read more about how we plan bike lanes, on our blog

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