Food and sustainable food systems

We, along with other governments across the North Shore, have endorsed the North Shore Community Food Charter.

The Food Charter outlines a vision for a sustainable and integrated food system on the North Shore, based on:

  • health, access, and equity
  • government leadership and collaboration
  • environmental responsibility
  • economic vitality
  • community culture and education

We demonstrate our commitment to establishing an integrated food system through our initiatives around urban agriculture — producing, processing, and distributing food in and around a city.

Community gardening in the District

There is growing interest in community gardens among District residents, with an increasing number of small scale gardens on private lands, school sites, and public land.

We support community gardens through municipal grants, as well as providing land for the gardens.

The North Shore Community Garden Society is responsible for managing the community gardens on District land.

Find a community garden near you

Learn how to get a garden plot

Our work with community partners

In addition to supporting community gardens in the District, staff work with community partners to help bring urban farming and healthy local food to our communities.

Working toward food security

We are active partners of Table Matters, a group working to make healthy food accessible to everyone living on the North Shore, by:

  • maintaining a community resource directory
  • supporting existing networks and building new ones
  • supporting and developing food policy
  • supporting urban agriculture and sustainable food initiatives
  • supporting the growth of healthy, sustainable, and secure food systems on the North Shore

Find out more about Table Matters

Growing healthy, local food

District staff sit on the advisory committee of The Edible Garden Project, a North Shore Neighbourhood House initiative that works with North Shore residents who don't have access to fresh, healthy produce.

The Edible Garden Project partners with the Harvest Project, Sage Women’s Safe House, local social housing, and other community partners to ensure that the most vulnerable in our community have access to fresh local produce. They also empower people of all ages to grow their own food, and transform private and public spaces into vibrant, edible urban gardens.

Learn more about The Edible Garden Project

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