Supporting a Vibrant Economy and Jobs-Housing Balance

A diverse and resilient local economy is a key element of a healthy community and of the vision expressed in the OCP. It is enabled by clear land use policies and by fostering the attributes of a desirable community where businesses, and the people who work in them, want to be.

This requires planning appropriate and compatible economic activity in various areas. It also needs a diverse supply of housing that is linked to jobs, recreation and other daily activities through good roads, transit, cycling and walking. The long term goal is for a sustainable jobs-housing balance in the District.

However, recent experience is that increasing numbers of people are coming to and through North Vancouver from elsewhere to work, exacerbating traffic congestion. Changes in community structure and business decisions impacting valuation and assessments are resulting in challenges for some local businesses.

At the same time, the increasing demand for recreational and tourism services in this growing region has both positive effects on economic vitality and negative impacts on local neighbourhoods.

What we want to achieve

We are committed to the long term objective of a vibrant local economy that includes resident local businesses, commercial, light industrial and major port activity.

Key outcomes for us in this term include addressing property assessment inequities, ensuring our land use plans and policies allow businesses to stay and grow in the District and working with local operators and other partners to allow the region’s citizens and visitors to responsibly enjoy the natural and tourist attractions in our neighbourhoods.

The actions we are going to take

We have a key role to play as leaders in a collaborative process with stakeholders, other municipalities and the Province to address fundamental issues with the property assessment system, which are threatening the economic viability of both businesses and local governments.

The Corporate Plan will also include work for the organization to:

  • Measure recreational and tourism use of roadways, infrastructure and amenities and the impact on mobility and livability
  • Work with partners and find innovative ways to manage access to parks and tourism attractions, prioritizing safety and minimizing local area impacts
  • Assess the impact of plans and policies on retaining and attracting employment opportunities
  • Increase business friendliness in processes and service

See our progress with this priority