Invasive weed pull, Lynn Creek at Arborlynn Drive

Saturday, Apr 9, 2022
9:00am - 12:00pm
Arborlynn Drive off of Mountain Highway

Come join us and get your hands dirty with a fun and rewarding invasive weed pull!

We will be focusing on English ivy but will remove any other invasive species we come across along the way. This volunteer work will help to reduce the spread of invasive plants and free the native trees that are being overtaken by ivy.

Tools will be provided but please bring your own gloves, (leather if you have them), dress appropriately for the weather and bring a reusable water bottle.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Learn more and register to attend

If you are interested in attending, please visit our MeetUp page to get more details, and to register. We ask everyone to register in advance so we know how many volunteers to expect.