Bear activity continues despite colder weather

Despite the colder weather, bear activity continues across the North Shore.

Please remember to keep your garbage and organic waste carts securely stored until the morning of collection day. It's also important to manage other attractants on your property to prevent bears from becoming reliant on human food sources.

Tips to help stop attracting bears to your neighbourhood include:

  • Freeze smelly food scraps before adding them to your green cart
  • Layer food scraps with yard trimmings 
  • Rinse carts to help prevent odour build-up
  • Manage attractants on your property, like bird feeders
  • Pick almost-ripe fruit from any fruit trees on your property
  • Keep carts in a secure location such as a garage or shed, and place carts outside between 5:30am - 7:30am on collection day

Solid Waste Bylaw

In response to bear activity in our community, the District made changes to its Solid Waste Bylaw in 2020 to help further minimize attractants for local wildlife, especially bears.

Carts set out at the curb before 5:30 am – including the night before – are now subject to a $100 fine for the first offence and $500 for repeat offences.

Learn more about managing your organics, recycling and garbage