Use of rodenticides restricted in District facilities and on District lands

To reduce inhumane animal suffering, protect wildlife, reduce toxic materials in our environment, and safeguard worker health and safety, we are prohibiting the use of anticoagulant rodenticides (a type of poison used to control pests such as mice and rats) in all District facilities and on all District lands.

A new pest management policy restricting the use of these rodenticides in all District buildings and properties was approved by Council on Monday, December 7, and takes effect immediately.

About the new policy

Anticoagulant rodenticide baits are commonly used to manage pests, including mice and rats. These products are known to cause prolonged suffering in the animals being controlled, but they also cause illness and death among animals that eat the poisoned rodents, such as owls, hawks, and eagles.

The goal of the new policy is to significantly reduce or eliminate the reliance on these rodenticides where we have the legal authority to do so.

The new pest management policy outlines the steps that a qualified pest management professional or service provider must take to manage pests on District owned or controlled properties, and requires the development of an integrated pest management plan (IPMP), focussing on non-lethal pest management, such as education, attractant management, and access prevention (making it more difficult for rodents to enter).

If lethal control is ultimately required, the qualified professional can recommend trapping or other forms of population control that do not rely on anticoagulant baits.

The policy does allow for the use of rodenticide under very limited situations, such as where there is a risk to the building or occupants. In these cases, a permit to use anticoagulant baits will be required. 

Eliminating anticoagulant rodenticides District-wide

The Province of BC has adopted an 18-month temporary ban on second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGArs) as of July 21, 2021. The Provincial ban means that all property owners conducting pest control must consult with their pest control providers to ensure that the work being done complies with both the Provincial ban and the District-wide ban on rodenticides. Staff continue to work with the province towards alternatives to rodenticide.

Staff are also available to help property owners and managers with their Integrated Pest Management Plans, and to discuss your specific pest control needs.

Please feel free to contact us at for more information

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