Apply for a development variance permit

Occasionally, it may be necessary to alter (vary) the zoning bylaw to accommodate a project. This is typically only if you're renovating an existing non-conforming building, or you're building on a particularly challenging lot.

In these instances, you need to get a Council-approved development variance permit.

Step What happens What you need
1. Application

Submit your detailed development application to the planning department. Before submitting your application, you should:

  • discuss your proposal with a development planner by contacting
  • discuss your proposal with your adjacent neighbours
2. Public input Staff circulate your application for public input  
3. Respond and revise Depending on comments received from staff, local residents, and advisory agencies, you may be asked to modify your submission. Be prepared to revise and amend your drawings
4. Permit consideration

The permit will be considered by either Council or the General Manager of Planning, Properties & Permits (General Manager).

Council consideration: Following notification and review of the staff report, Council either authorizes the development variance permit, tables it for further discussion, or rejects it.

General Manager consideration: Minor variances which meet the eligibility criteria for a Delegated Development Variance Permit may be considered by the General Manager. The Development Planning Department will advise whether your proposal is eligible.


How long does it take?

The development variance permit process takes about four months to complete. This amount of time is required for staff analysis, community consultation, and referrals to neighbours. If revisions are required to plans to address neighbours' concerns, the process can take considerably longer. We advise you to discuss your proposal with adjacent property owners before you submit your application.


Learn about zoning and land use requirements

Our zoning, development permit area, and other guidelines help guide growth and development in the District, ensuring it is done in a sensitive and coordinated manner.

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