Mount Seymour Parkway safety improvements

We’re making changes along Mount Seymour Parkway — between Seymour Boulevard and Mount Seymour Road — to improve safety for people who bike, drive, and walk in this area.

With approximately 400 cyclists and an average of 20,000 vehicles passing through this stretch of road every day, we are working together with TransLink to improve safety for all users. 

To do this, we’ll be lowering speeds and increasing separation between vehicles and cyclists, while maintaining existing travel lanes and parking for drivers.

The speed limit on Mount Seymour Parkway will be reduced to 50 km/h, which aligns with the speed limit on other arterial roads in our community.


About the work

This project is being delivered using TransLink’s Rapid Implementation approach to install improved cycling infrastructure quickly in a cost-effective way.  

Safety upgrades will be installed without heavy construction and lengthy delays. Our goal is to be flexible with our installation approach, and allow for adjustments and changes as required, and in response to feedback from residents about safety.  

A quicker installation also allows residents to experience the changes firsthand, then provide input that can help us better understand safety concerns and shape design adjustments as needed.


Project timing

Construction will begin in May 2024 and is anticipated to take approximately four months to complete.


While Mount Seymour Parkway is the only street in the District with a posted speed limit of 60 km/h, observed speeds are well above that, between 73 km/h and 77 km/h.

Over the past five years, there have been 29 collisions on Mount Seymour Parkway between Seymour Boulevard and Deep Cove Road involving cyclists or pedestrians. On average, a driver collides with a cyclist or pedestrian about six times per year on Mount Seymour Parkway.

Speeding continues to be the largest contributing factor for fatalities in BC, more than distracted or impaired driving.


For questions about this work, please email Shane Devine, Senior Project Manager at

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