What you can do about invasive insects

Non-native insect species can cause issues for local insects, plants, and even people. Find out how to control the most common invasive insects in the District.

Chafer beetles

Adult European Chafers are tan or brown beetles resembling June beetles. Their grubs are soft, white, and C-shaped, with tan-coloured heads and six prominent legs. Because this invasive species reproduces rapidly and feeds on the roots of all kinds of plants — including grass and turf used for lawns — it has become a serious pest in the Metro Vancouver region.

What you can do

While the District does not permit pesticide use to treat chafer beetle grubs, there a number of natural approaches you can take to control them.

Learn how to identify and control chafer beetles on your property

What the District is doing

To support your use of natural treatment methods, we offer a free, 3 week sprinkling permit you can use during natural nematode treatments (microscopic predators that kill the grubs).

Apply for a free lawn sprinkling permit

European fire ants

The European fire ant is an aggressive, swarming ant that can deliver a painful sting when disturbed by people, pets, or wildlife. If a colony moves into a park, it may impact the recreational use of the park, and may also threaten native ants in the area.

What the District is doing

Methods to treat fire ants on District property have so far been unsuccessful. However, we are investing resources and working with other levels of government, such as the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC), to find a solution to this and other invasive species in the District.

We will share information once a successful treatment is found.

What you can do

There are steps that you can take to help ensure that fire ants do not spread throughout the District.

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