Keeping creeks healthy

A significant number of creeks and streams run throughout the District. Many of these watercourses are home to fish and other aquatic species and provide critical natural habitats for birds and other wildlife.

Because all roadside storm catch basins flow directly into these fish-bearing waterways, eventually reaching the ocean, it is important to keep pollutants like household detergents, paint and bleach from entering these drains. 

How you can help  

Remember that water entering the storm sewer system is not treated for contaminants. To help keep our creeks and streams healthy, use these tips for around your home and garden:

  • Wash your car on your lawn or at a car wash 
  • Fix any fluid leaks from your car
  • Power wash your house and clean your driveway using only water 
  • Rinse paint brushes in the sink inside your house
  • Create a rain garden to filter water pollutants 
  • Plant trees to help capture rainwater

Using storm drains to dispose of soap, paint, oil or other chemicals can result in fines under the District’s Environmental Protection and Preservation Bylaw.

Learn how to safely dispose of toxic or hazardous materials on the Recycle BC website


Related information 

A heavily wooded forest area.

Environmental Protection and Preservation Bylaw

Bylaw 6515 regulates the protection, preservation and conservation of our natural environment and ecological systems, including watercourses, trees, soils, lands, etc.


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