COVID-19 pandemic response

The ongoing global pandemic required DNVFRS to continue adapting and developing a strategy that would allow us to maintain our current level of professional emergency services safely and responsibly.

A group of firefighters wearing face coverings do CPR training.

In 2021, we implemented or continued the following initiatives:

  • Virtual Town Halls – We hosted regular virtual meetings that brought all five fire stations, the training centre and command staff together for regular updates on COVID-related issues, changing medical response protocols, and further guidance from our Medical Director.
  • Aeroclave Decon Units – We installed Aeroclave decontamination units at all fire stations to disinfect fire engines, equipment, and buildings and reduce the risk of exposure to dangerous pathogens.
  • Fire Training Risk Mitigation Plan – At the onset of the pandemic, we developed procedures and precautions that would allow our firefighters to continue to fulfill our mandatory training and maintain staff safety. We continue to evaluate training plans and monitor changes to provincial COVID protocols.
  • Procuring Medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – To prevent the risk of medical PPE shortages, we worked collaboratively with our partners to secure alternative and reliable PPE sources, building out our critical resource stockpiles. This proactive approach allowed us to provide uninterrupted medical response services safely. 
  • Public Education – With limited access to schools and public events during the pandemic, we built on our ability to deliver fire and life safety education virtually. A primary focus was on using digital technology to provide virtual engagement.
  • Learning Management System – To limit potential exposure between staff at training events, we delivered most lecture and classroom-based activities online ahead of practical training sessions. The Learning Management System offers engaging and interactive training formats that we will continue to add to in the future.

Understanding that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue into 2022, we plan to introduce additional measures this year and to remain adaptable amid constantly changing conditions.