
Preparing for snow and ice

When snow and subzero temperatures are in the forecast, it's important to plan ahead for winter conditions. Get tips on preparing for extreme winter weather.

District Hall open

Front desk reception hours are 8am - 4:30pm. Find out more.

District Hall offering limited in-person services

District Hall is open, but some in-person services are limited due to staff availability because of the extreme snowfall.  Please call ahead before attending the hall.

District Hall holiday hours

District Hall's hours of service will change during the holidays. Get more information. 

We’re prepared for snow season 

The District’s Snow Command team is hard at work long before the first snowflake hits the ground. Find out what they do to make sure residents get to where they need to go safely.

Reducing wildfire risk

Wildfire prevention in areas where the forest and our community meet is a priority for the District. Find out how we reduce the risk of fast-spreading forest fires.

Bear activity continues despite colder weather

Keep your carts securely stored until the morning of collection day to prevent bears from becoming reliant on human food sources.

Remembrance Day 2022

A reminder District Hall will be closed November 11 for the Remembrance Day holiday.

Helicopter supply drop for Quarry Rock trail repairs

On Wednesday, November 2, a helicopter will be dropping lumber supplies for the Quarry Rock trail repairs. The Baden Powell Trail between Deep Cove and Quarry Rock remains closed as crews continue to repair bridge and stair structures.

Keeping organics out of the garbage stream

Organic material that ends up in the household waste ends up in the landfill, where it creates harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Find out how to keep organic waste where it belongs. 
