Improving Mobility and Transportation

There is broad community concern about the state of the transportation system. While much of this centres on the issue of vehicle capacity across Burrard Inlet, congestion is also experienced when moving east and west across the North Shore through various jurisdictions.

While we work at creating more concentrated development in centres, can we also reduce reliance on the car and increase opportunities to choose transit, cycling or walking as alternatives?

Currently, major improvements to the Highway 1 interchanges are underway but alone will not provide long-term relief. Phibbs Exchange improvements, and more frequent transit, including B-Line and SeaBus service, have been approved, yet are considered by many to be a small step in the direction of providing real transit options for work and recreational travel.

In recognition of the need to take a regional approach to solutions, the Integrated North Shore Transportation Planning Project (INSTPP) brought together representatives from all levels of government on the North Shore as well as TransLink and the Port Authority.

This collaborative approach to transportation planning created a unique opportunity for all partner agencies to produce unified recommendations to improve how people and goods move around the North Shore and across the Burrard Inlet. We support many of these recommendations and believe this work could provide the impetus for further advocacy on the part of local government and this Council.

What we want to achieve

The OCP vision is for increased numbers of trips to be via transit, cycling or walking, within and between town and village centres.

Starting today and looking to the future, we want to work towards outcomes that reduce traffic congestion and increase sustainable transportation alternatives, and to do so in collaboration with North Shore, regional and provincial partners.

The actions we are going to take

At this juncture, there is a unique role for us, as Council, to be vocal advocates for transportation and mobility on the North Shore. This can begin with the implementation of some INSTPP recommendations.

However, during our term, we also intend to vigorously advance the case for rapid transit to the North Shore. '

A range of additional actions to support our transportation and mobility vision will be included in the organization’s Corporate Plan, including:

  • Increasing safe bike and pedestrian routes
  • Increasing transit options
  • Working regionally to improve systems at all levels
  • Thinking creatively to challenge traditional standards and imagine new mobility solutions

See our progress with this priority