Riverside Drive social housing site

Map showing location of site to be developed

This District-owned site near Old Dollarton Road and Riverside Drive was rezoned by the District to support social housing. It was submitted to Metro Vancouver Housing for an affordable housing partnership and selected for further exploration. Site studies and conceptual planning work is underway.

The site could accommodate approximately 60-90 rental homes with a specific number to be determined through a land lease and the development permit process.

The selection of the District-owned Riverside Drive site was endorsed by the Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation (MVHC) Board at the March 25, 2022 Board meeting.

Metro Vancouver Housing is one of the largest non-profit housing providers in BC, providing safe and affordable homes, primarily for families, seniors, and people with disabilities. To learn more, visit www.metrovancouver.org/housing

Current status and progress updates

December 13, 2021 — Rezoning adopted

The application was presented to Council, who gave it second and third reading, and voted to adopt the rezoning. Read the staff report with recommendation in the ‘Related documents and web content’ tab.

November 23, 2021 — Public hearing

The application was presented at a public hearing. A public hearing is your chance to speak to Council if you feel your interest in property will be affected by the application. Read the staff report and presentation in the ‘Related documents and web content’ tab.

November 5-15, 2021 — Public information meeting

We hosted a public information meeting. A public information meeting is your opportunity to learn more about the proposal, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Due to the current situation with COVID-19, this meeting was held virtually.

November 1, 2021 — First reading at Council

The application was presented to Council, who gave it first reading and referred it to a public hearing. Read the staff report with recommendation in the ‘Related documents and web content’ tab.

Sept 27, 2021 — Council direction to proceed with rezoning

At Council's direction, staff reviewed ten District owned sites to assess their suitability for affordable rental housing, which would be developed through a partnership with Metro Vancouver Housing. Council reviewed this staff assessment, and at their Sept 27, 2021 meeting, directed staff to proceed with a rezoning process for the Riverside site, one of the ten identified sites.

You can view the staff report with recommendation in the 'Related documents and web content' tab.

Additional details, including site location and overview

Site overview

The site is undeveloped and consists primarily of second growth forest. Surrounding properties include single-family homes to the south, an undeveloped District road allowance to the north beyond which is Maplewood Park, undeveloped District lands to the east, and low-rise apartments across Riverside Drive to the west. The site is located next to the undeveloped Maplewood Park.

Current land use designation

The Official Community Plan (OCP) designates this site as Residential Level 6 (RES6).

Related documents and web content

Council documents

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