OCP targeted review virtual open house

Thursday, May 6, 2021
7:00pm - 8:30pm

We're reviewing our Official Community Plan (OCP) to ensure it continues to support our vision and goals, and we'd like you to attend a virtual open house to learn more and share your thoughts.

OCP targeted review virtual open house

Wednesday, May 5, 2021
10:00am - 11:30am

We're reviewing our Official Community Plan (OCP) to ensure it continues to support our vision and goals, and we'd like you to attend a virtual open house to learn more and share your thoughts.

OCP targeted review virtual open house

Tuesday, May 4, 2021
7:00pm - 8:30pm

We're reviewing our Official Community Plan (OCP) to ensure it continues to support our vision and goals, and we'd like you to attend a virtual open house to learn more and share your thoughts.

Tsleil-Waututh Application for an Addition to Reserve

In 2019, the Tsleil-Waututh Nation applied to the federal government for an Addition to Reserve involving lands currently under our jurisdiction.

2020 Design Excellence and Heritage Award winners announced

The District honoured recipients of this year's Heritage Awards and Design Excellence Awards at the April 12 regular Council meeting.

Take part in the Lynn Valley memorial virtually

On March 27, a shocking act of violence took place in our community. Since then, the community has rallied together to support the victims and all those affected by this terrible event. There has been a tremendous outpouring of love and compassion, including the moving floral tribute that grew outside Lynn Valley Library. To preserve and document this powerful tribute, we have created an online memorial at LynnValleyRemembers.ca.

Public information meeting for 2055 Purcell Way

Apr 7 to 21, 2021

HDR Architecture Associates, Inc. has applied to develop this property on behalf of Capilano University. The application as submitted proposes a six-storey 207 room (362 bed) student housing building. Rental units will be secured in perpetuity. Come to a public information meeting — a requirement of the permit application process — to learn more about the proposal and share your views. Due to the situation with COVID-19, the meeting is being held virtually.

North Shore Wellness and Resilience Centre is now virtual

In response to the events that took place in Lynn Valley Village on March 27,  North Shore Emergency Management (NSEM), with the support of all three North Shore municipalities, and Health Emergency Management British Columbia has set up a virtual Wellness and Resilience Centre.

Indian Arm Wildfire Preparedness Town Hall Meeting

Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021

District of North Vancouver Fire Rescue Services is hosting a virtual town hall to discuss wildfire preparedness with residents from the communities of Cascades, Sunshine Falls and Woodlands.  Attend this virtual meeting to learn more about potential wildfire dangers and safety tactics and learn what the DNVFRS is doing to support your community wildfire preparedness. Join this Zoom meeting https://dnvorg.zoom.us/j/67094162598?pwd=V0NFMEQ1dUUyejQ5VXR6RnZvWGZlUT09

Public information meeting for 1310 Monashee Drive

Apr 6 to 20, 2021

Darwin Properties has applied to develop two six-storey buildings with 315 off-campus rental units targeted at students and employees of Capilano University plus approximately 796 sq m (8,570 sq ft) of commercial space, amenity spaces, and 210 car and 533 bicycle parking spaces in a one-level underground parking garage. Come to a public information meeting to learn more about the proposal and share your views.
